Movers + Mavericks



Movers + Mavericks the podcast from weMove.The idea is simple. Inspire and nurture the act of movement connecting you to the joys of moving, to others who are moving and to the best tools and techniques to keep you moving. weMove is the global community of curated experts and knowledge seekers who share, learn and experience across the fields of movement, nutrition and wellbeing.


  • Movement and the Search for Meaning - Rae Dwyer - Episode 87

    19/07/2020 Duração: 59min

    There is always a little bit of truth where theres a problem,Rae Dwyer is our second guest and it was the following instagram post that we read that made this the next step in the series. "Something that has left me in awe and rendered me speechless of late: The experience of  f e e l i n g  over thinking when it comes to the formation of core beliefs. I really want to do what I'm trying to say justice. Stay with me.It's that in-your-actual-bones knowing. Perhaps a thing you've realised that maybe part of you would like to unrealise for convenience but knows that it's impossible. A belief/perception/epiphany that is completely untethered from motives of the ego and societal conditioning, so therefore cannot be denied and will in fact often come about as a result of having peeled away those rotting layers of internalised capitalism, homophobia, patriarchy. A bubbling up that at first, gives rise to a deep discomfort and frightening confusion, but once integrated, preceeds something tha

  • Movement and the Search for Meaning - Rachel Kay - Episode 86

    11/07/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Movement is freedom, its how we express ourselves and communicate with others and the world around us, but what do you do when someone close can suddenly no longer move? The thought of not being able to move is uncomfortable If we aren’t moving then we aren’t living. That is today’s conversation with Rachel Kay, choreographer, dancer, founder of Creation Box studio and Flight Mode Method, and the second conversation in the Movement and Search for Meaning series. Rachel is a successful artist and choreographer whose professional skills were called on in a way that couldn’t be imagined, her dad had a stroke, leaving him unable to move. Taking an honest look at what she could do and how she could connect with him, she turned away from her career as a commercial choreographer towards becoming her dad’s choreographer teaching him how to move again and reconnect. What do you know to be certain? More and more I realise that life is just too short.

  • Don't be Afraid to Lose - Andrew Tracey - Episode 85

    03/07/2020 Duração: 01h16min

    Andrew Tracey, Mens Health UK Fitness Editor, founder of Farm Fitness and all round training machine sat down with Chris and I before we headed to the gym to indulge in some sweaty pushing and pulling back at the start of the year. We’ve orbited in similar circles as Andrew so it felt only a matter of time before we sat down and press record. If you watch him on instagram his means of fitness generally involve a lot of lifting, and commitment to putting in the time, regardless of where he is, what time it is and how busy his day was. Inspired by the original Gym Jones, the facility created by Mark Twight to put in the work, we share similar visions as to what the world of fitness can be. A place to learn about your Self if you are prepared to get into the shadows and dark corners of the psyche and inquire into the capacity and potentiality of our capacity and capability. I wasn’t expecting Andrew to be so gentle, and it was lovely to hear him talk about being inspired, inspiring and putting into the world his

  • Movement and the Search for Meaning - Dan Armstrong - Episode 84

    24/06/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    I’m fascinated by the reasons we each have for moving. Why we move. And it felt the right time to open up the conversation with some of those that we know and who listen to the podcast about their experiences with movement and what it has brought to them. Personally past experiences with movement and observation of others journey I have noticed that we move in whatever form our bodies are innately drawn to and it is my personal belief that is because our body is wanting to express something more than our mind/ego can comprehend or the conventions of sport and competition allow. There comes a time in the experiences Chris and I have listened to when a specific event evolves the idea of movement and physicality from sport and striving towards navigating what we are, who we are and why. So I am saying that movement gives us meaning and a mechanism to process our past lived experiences to make sense of them and organise them in our body and mind to support us in the future. Where sport is about competition and th

  • Shadow Work and Ancestral Healing - Farah Siddiq - Episode 83

    17/06/2020 Duração: 01h14min

    Today we bring up the concept of the Shadow, the term coined by Carl Jung to describe the place where we store our psychological wounds, negative thought patterns and ancestral baggage which can weigh us down and prevent our true self emerging and ascending in the world.Chris and I have both been interested in this concept as we became curious as to how people including ourselves would find movement, sport, physical activity healing to our soul and psyche, and also a distraction when used and abused. Just the idea that there was something not quite right with me due to my past experiences sounded woo woo, and a little daft until I began to recognise patterns emerging in how I would deal with certain situations which seemingly reappeared throughout my daily life. The ones where someone says or doesn’t say something to you and it triggers a cascade of thoughts and emotions that come from seemingly nowhere.That nowhere is the shadow, the side of yourself which you don’t see but is very much there and influencing

  • Optimize your Immune System - Tony Molina Pt3 - Episode 80

    17/05/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • You are what your food ate - Glen Burrows, The Ethical Butcher - Episode 81

    16/05/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    Glen Burrows, co-founder of talks regenerative and grass-fed farming and how the industrial food industry has removed the nutrients of the food we eat for their own gain. We as a society can inspire farmers to rediscover the farming methods which restore the earth we live on and sustain healthy, nutrient-dense, and complete animals and plants.Glen first wrote for in Issue 1 with his essay “Watch what you eat” and how the labels we define ourselves by can create a straight jacket for our own growth and health in all senses. Three years on we catch up with Glen as he prepares to launch his new venture Ethical Butcher, an online butcher dedicated to providing meat that is better for our health and the planet, inspiring a return to natural farming techniques, an honoring of the animals themselves rather than a cheap mass-produced mechanised machine.We cover some ground and link into the wider world of farming, regenerative techniques, soil health, functional medicine, Zach Bush M

  • Reconnecting with our True Self - Ryan Willms - Episode 80

    10/05/2020 Duração: 01h20min

    This week James speaks to Ryan Willms who James first met back in 2008 in their previous careers in mens fashion. Having not kept in touch since then, it was a post written by Ryan in 2019 sharing his new direction and perspective for what was important - purpose and health that created an opportunity for reconnection. Ryan’s journey to date will resonate with many of you. Developing a successful career, working relentlessly and overlooking the vehicle that created the success, his body and mind. From creating a successful publishing/media company titled Inventory, Ryan moved from Vancouver to New York, the logical step for career success. My experience of New York is one of hyperdrive, the pace is relentless and combined with with ever quickening world of fashion losing sight or even abandoning our health and sanity easily happens. Ryan got to the end of his road on a photoshoot in Alaska, and it was a serendipitous meeting of one of the team that gave Ryan the opportunity to begin to assess his situation an

  • The Bruce Lee of Breathwork - Dan Brulé - Episode 79

    22/04/2020 Duração: 56min

    Dan Brulé is a lynchpin in the breathing world. He was literally destined to teach breathing after being inspired as a four year old in school when his teacher read a passage from the Book of Genesis: “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Not everyones go to book, but it created a fascination with breath that led Dan to become an X Ray technician (his first X ray being a patients lungs), a Special Forces diver, a deep sea diver aswell as travelling the world learning the Eastern traditions of breathwork from Chi Gong to Pranayama aswell as Holotropic breathwork with Stanislav Grov and Rebirthing with Leonard Or. And it was Dan’s book Just Breathe, which brought him to our attention, connecting many of the dots we had discovered in our conversations with other Breathwork teachers and guides. He has done it all, so it is fitting that he is called the Bruce Lee of breathwork by Tony Robins (the world-reno

  • Osteopathy and the cure of Nature - Alex Johnson - Epsiode 78

    12/04/2020 Duração: 01h33min

    Health. It has become a front page topic these days, but do you know what good health feels like? In a culture and a society where we have been encouraged/coerced to hand our innate responsibilities to corporations or other so called experts, the majority of us have unknowingly handed over the most precious and potent resource we have. Our health. Good health isn’t a green juice in stead of lunch, neither is going to see your GP, or masking your feelings and symptoms with pills and drugs. "Good health is a presence of a superior state of wellbeing, a vigor, a vitality that you have to work for every single day of your life.” (Doc Paskowitz). The caveat being you have to work for every single day of your life. Today we speak to Alex Johnson, an osteopath and natural lifestyle coach and talk about how the body, YOUR body has the ability to maintain its own health and regulate itself providing it is treated like your most prized possession. Alex talks about how we can support our body each day with 8 simple

  • You are the Placebo in a Nocebo World - Damian Fearns Pt 2 - Episode 77

    12/04/2020 Duração: 01h24min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimize your Immune System - Izzy Kirkby - Episode 76

    02/04/2020 Duração: 47min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Managing Panic and Fear in Crises - Damian Fearns Pt 1 - Episode 75

    30/03/2020 Duração: 01h11min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Activate Your Relaxation - Jill Miller - Episode 73

    28/03/2020 Duração: 01h05min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimize your Immune System - Tony Molina Pt2 - Episode 74

    25/03/2020 Duração: 48min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimise your Immune System - Richie Norton - Episode 72

    23/03/2020 Duração: 54min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimize your Immune System - Dr. Perry Nickelston - Episode 71

    20/03/2020 Duração: 01h23min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimize your Immune System - Tony Molina - Episode 70

    19/03/2020 Duração: 49min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • Optimize your Immune System - Dr. Jenna Macciochi - Episode 69

    18/03/2020 Duração: 01h14min

    Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast coming live from my living room and the wonders of Zoom whilst we are in this time of isolation.So the last week or so, we have been surrounded by news, news and more news on Covid 19/Coronavirus. I wanted to know more about what we can personally do to regain some control of our Selves whilst the news and media does its best to create increasing levels of fear, panic and hysteria.So I made a few phone calls and extended whatsapp messages to the sources that I trust when I have questions health related, both physical and mental and in this case particularly with regards to how we can optimise our immune system and provide it with the resources to do what it needs to do.Having knowledge that I trust from those who are at the tip of the spear in their fields gives me the opportunity to makes necessary steps forward, I trust you get something from this conversation that can be actionable and timely to support you through this defining era of the new decade.From Chris a

  • NonProphet pt 2 - Mark Twight and Michael Blevins - Episode 68

    16/03/2020 Duração: 01h50min

    This is the second part of the podcast we recoded with the NonProphet guys; Mark Twight and Michael Blevins from our trip to the US in Oct 19. Pt One is Ep 58.

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