Anna Beyer E O Mistério Da Família Freh: Quando A Verdade Vem À Tona

Anna Beyer, uma jovem psicóloga recém formada, volta à sua cidade natal para investigar a morte de seu pai (Mário Beyer) também psicólogo que acontecera de forma trágica,...

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Revista Hotéis Ed. 240 - Movimento Free Cage Egg chega a hotelaria

Ao comer um ovo, você já parou para refletir como foi sua produção? O Brasil produziu 52 bilhões de ovos em 2022 e a maior parte são de galinhas confinadas em pequenas...

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Satisfação Do Consumidor Em Lojas De Free Shop: Aplicando O Método Do Incidente Crítico E O Modelo De Fishbein

As lojas de free shop têm sido o pilar do avanço da economia na região de fronteira do Brasil com o Uruguai. Este estudo visa analisar a satisfação do consumidor brasileiro...

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Batalha Fraterna: D. Frei Bartolomeu Dos Mártires E A Defesa Da Autoridade Episcopal Na Reforma Católica (1559-1582)

Batalha fraterna tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de Reforma da Igreja idealizado por um episcopado combativo que, fortalecido pelas discussões do Concílio de Trento,...

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Reminiscences Of A Doctor In Living With Amazonian And Center-west Indian People During 55 Years (1965-2020): Translated By Fred Spaeti

The author of this book is a Doctor of Clinical Endocrinology, from the Federal University of São Paulo, an adjunct professor, preceptor and researcher at the Diabetes Center of...

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Peggy Raymond's Vacation (or Friendly Terrace Transplanted) by SMITH, Harriet Lummis

Sequel to The Girls of Friendly Terrace (or Peggy Raymonds Success). As the summer opens the girls fan themselves on the porch, wishing for a get away. As it happens, opportunity...

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KG Stiles Conversations to Enlighten & Heal - Guest, Destiny Achievement Expert Peggy McColl

Host, KG Stiles talks with Destiny Achievement Expert Peggy McColl, Hay House author Your Destiny Switch, 21 Distinctions of Wealth, Be a Dog with a Bone

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Girls of Friendly Terrace (or Peggy Raymond's Success), The by SMITH, Harriet Lummis

Peggy Raymond and her friends, Amy, Priscilla and Ruth, encounter a new neighbour, Elaine, and her family. While Peggy, in her usual cheerful and practical manner, welcomes them...

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Peggy Raymond's Way (or Blossom Time At Friendly Terrace) by SMITH, Harriet Lummis

In this fifth and (as far as is known) final volume of Peggy Raymond and her Friendly Terrace entourage, we find the Girls winding down from the Great War, and pursuing more...

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Peggy's Famous Friends

Samantha Stevens chats with her famous friends.

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